8 Examples of eCommerce brands doing Content Marketing Right!
8 Examples of eCommerce brands doing Content Marketing Right!
eCommerce Content Marketing can be challenging for some brands to develop a Content Marketing Campaign and on going strategy. We have sourced eight fantastic campaign examples which can assist with developing your own Content Marketing campaigns.
1. MR Porter – Jose Mourinho Influencer based content marketing.
Vertical – Fashion eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – Using Star power and ego bait within a content marketing campaign can enable your brand to leverage existing follower bases to share the content.
2. Grazia – High quality content feature.
Vertical – Fashion eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – High quality feature content and blog content allows your brand to stand out from the crowd. Grazia used bloggers in this campaign to enable the brand to leverage existing follower bases.
3. Lands End – Online Magazine
Vertical – Fashion eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – High quality image based content allows your brand to shine in a competitive market. Lands End has used high quality image content to form a monthly magazine for the brand which has proven to be successful for the brand.
4. A Pair and A Spare – eCommerce Guide.
Vertical – Fashion eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – Fashion based guides and examples on what to wear to a specific event or area can be a great way to generate content buzz.
5. Health 101 – Online Fitness store – Ever green long form content
Vertical – Fitness eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – Long form eating guides are a great way to show your followers the right way to do something or a specific method. You can also promote your own product within the campaign. Health 101 has generated significant traffic from this long form guide.
6. Think Geek – Fake/ Fun Geeky Product
Vertical – Tech eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – Making a April fools or fun product can be a great way to have customers share and link to your content asset.
7. Otterbox – Unique Travel guide for customers.
Vertical – Tech eCommerece
Campaign URL
Why – Travel guides using your own products are a great way to get your product into the market quickly and also attract organic visitors to your website.
8. Made – Instagram featured images content campaign
Vertical – Furniture eCommerce
Campaign URL
Why – Leveraging existing customers and pushing them to use a specific hashtag on Instagram has allowed the MADE to build a huge inventory of image based content.
These eight ideas should be powerful in generating a campaign for your own business. If your business or marketing team needs assistance with developing a Content Marketing campaign do not hesitate to reach out to the team at Prosperity Media on 1300 886 452 today.